Essentially, we must evoke the spiritual and emotional connection between Creator God and pre-believers. Some pointers are: –
The vast majority of people worship man-made gods. They fear hell and hope to go to heaven after death. But which is the true Heaven, who owns it, where is it and how to get there?
We must believe in Creator God’s sovereignty. He controls the spiritual realm. The real Heaven is His Kingdom. He created the universe, the earth and all things of nature. Most importantly, he created humankind as His family on earth.
Your parents gave birth to your physical body whilst Creator God gave you spirit and soul. These combine to make you a living being. Creator God also created food, water and oxygen for mankind’s survival. How long can you survive without any one of these? Don’t you feel that you owe your life not only to your parents, but also to Creator God?
Naturally, you recognise the couple who gave birth to you, as your parents. But if you don’t believe in Creator God as your heavenly father, why should He allow you into Heaven? No other gods can get you there.
Sins bar us from entering Heaven and lead us to hell for punishment.
However, out of Creator God’s fatherly love for mankind, He came from Heaven to earth as the man Jesus Christ to save us. Jesus sacrificed His life on the cross and bore Creator God’s punishment for our sins. He shed His holy blood for forgiveness of our sins, was buried, and was resurrected on the third day. If you believe in all these, repent and trust Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. He will instantly save you and get you into the Kingdom of Heaven. Ultimately, upon your death, angels will take your soul to Heaven.
Richard Chng