Enter By The Narrow Gate, Walk In The Hard Way

In a recent meeting with a youthful audience of different faiths at Catholic Junior College, Pope Francis said, “All religions are a path to God.”

The Great High Priest, Christ Jesus, said, “I am the Way … No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6). He said, “Enter by the narrow Gate, walk in the hard (restrictive) Way” (Matthew 7:13-14).

These days, inclusivism is trendy while exclusivism is outmoded.

a) Inclusivism. All religions before and after Christ claim access to God/heaven. Ancient and contemporary human philosophies offer different answers to human existence. Collectively, they appear inclusive. Individually, they are uniquely different (exclusive). Yet critics of Christ generalise without examining why and what they themselves believe.

b) Exclusivism. Jesus Christ is God’s only Way to heaven (exclusive). Jesus is the only Saviour of mankind. He is the ancient and good Way (Jer 6:16) and the ladder to heaven (Gen 28:12; Jn 1:51). All men (inclusive) must call on His Name (exclusive) to be saved from hell-fire. The only true God (exclusive) offers this choice to all man (inclusive).

c) Deception. Satan is a deceiver, a liar, an accuser and a murderer. He lures all unbelievers to paths of eternal destruction. He lies to instigate religious fanatics to murder and kill. He deceives Christians with false teachings. He entices man with vain attractions of this world.

d) Diagnosis. Examine your hearts for symptoms of unbelief and faithlessness. Are there signs of bitterness, backsliding, backbiting or back-stabbing? Are you joyless, “Word-less” and prayerless?

Only Jesus Christ can set free all sinners from slavery of Satan. Only Christ can release every Christian from Satan’s schemes. Only Christ can make you salty again. Come to Christ. Keep walking in the hard Way of Christ.

Elder Yoong Yuen Soo