Are we excited about the Good News of Christmas?

The Festive Season is here again and we are preparing to celebrate the Glorious Night of Miracles, the night when the Lord Jesus was born.

In Luke 2, the Bible talks about the birth of Jesus. There was great excitement amongst the shepherds when they were told by the angel that the Messiah had been born. They went to see the baby Jesus lying in the manger, and they spread the word – “When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them.” – Luke 2:17-18 (NIV).

In today’s fast paced world, we don’t often pause enough to think about how impactful that moment must have been for the shepherds.

Imagine going about your day, and then receiving a life-changing piece of celebratory news. Wouldn’t you want to quickly share that with everyone who is willing to listen? You’d quickly send off a text to tell all those you hold dear so they too can hear the good news. You would tell your colleagues, your friends and your neighbours.

Fast forward to today, we have had that good news in our heads and our hearts, and we have received the gift of knowing the Lord Jesus Christ. But are we as excited about sharing that good news with our loved ones and our contacts?

In this Christmas season, let us take on the excitement of the shepherds, and share the good news of great joy so that others around us may receive the gift of knowing our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let us talk about that glorious night divine, when God became Man and came down for us, that we may have eternal life.

Deacon Theodore Lai