A Joyful Heart

The joy of the LORD is my strength (Nehemiah 8:10). This is the joy of serving Jesus, not oneself or others in order to please them. The Lord Himself will affirm the service of His servant.

A joyful heart is good medicine,
but a crushed spirit dries up the bones
(Proverbs 17:22)

Sound medical advice is given in this verse.

A joyful heart is like good medicine. When you are joyful (in the LORD), your whole being will be joyful. Adverse circumstances and ill health will not cause despair. God’s grace is sufficient for those who trust in God.

A crushed spirit produces ill health, perhaps high blood pressure, ulcers, lack of energy, heart disease, or general malaise.

God is good and His steadfast love endures forever (Psalm 118:1, 29). Forever means that after earth’s trials of faith and character building by God, we will praise God forever. His Son has conquered death and has also made us joint heirs with Him.

The ultimate source of joy is found in a relationship with Christ (Proverbs 10:28; John 15:11).

Instead of looking to fellow men for affirmation and positive circumstances, a joyful believer looks to Christ and rejoices in Him.

Elder Yoong Yuen Soo