Course Overview: Understanding the Book of Revelation
The objectives of this eLearning course are to help you to:
- Study Revelation from a futuristic point of view
- Gain valuable insights on how relevant OT and NT texts explain the symbols and terms used in Revelation
- Be more prepared to serve Christ and pray for people to be saved from their sins and future wrath of God
The Book of Revelation is viewed as complex and difficult to interpret. With interpretive tools and cross-references to Old Testament symbols and language, you will be blessed and be more confident of the divine inspiration of God’s Word concerning:
- The glorious Lord Jesus Christ
- His messages to the Church today
- His wrath on the earth dwellers led by the Antichrist
- His millennial rule as King on the earth
- His final victory over Satan
- The Great White Throne judgment of all unbelievers
- The new heavens and new earth
Recommended resource:
- Revelation – Bible Study & Commentary – Expository Notes of Dr. Thomas Constable – Thomas Constable – BiblePortal
- David Levy, The Book of Revelation (WWBI notes)
Those who want to have printed WWBI S.T.E.P. notes on the book of Revelation can get them from the Church Office or get a soft copy from Elder Yoong,