Exodus chapters 13-24 cover the consecration of the first born, the feast of the Unleavened Bread, the crossing of the Red Sea, God’s miraculous feeding and giving of water, giving of the Ten Commandments, religious and ethical laws and the confirmation of the Mosaic Covenant.
Exodus 19-24 gives the account of the eleven months the Israelites spent at the Mount of God
The Promise of God is fulfilled (Exod 3:12)
Covenant with God anticipated (Exod 6:6-7)
Scene at the foot of the holy mountain (19:1-2)
B law THE DECALOGUE (20:1–17)
C narrative THE PEOPLE’S FEAR (20:18-21)
B’ law THE BOOK OF THE COVENANT (20:22-23:33)
A’ narrative THE COVENANT ACCEPTED (24:1-11)
Scene at the top of holy mountain of God.