What is Evangelism? Evangelism is spreading the gospel of Christ (1 Cor 15:1- 4), warning others about sin and consequences
You shall be My witnesses (22 Jan 2017)
Bethesda Chapel’s (BC) vision ‘To know Jesus Christ and make Him known’ aligns with the essence of God’s Great Commission.
The Urgency of informing all men (15 Jan 2017)
It will be a crime if you have the cure for cancer and selfishly keep it to yourself or if
“The Day of Jesus Christ” and “the Day of Christ” in Philippians (8 Jan 2017)
Today we begin the pulpit series from the Epistle to the Philippians – “Christ is all.” The key words are
Jesus be Our Anchor! (1 Jan 2017)
An interesting passage that came out of our study of the book of Hebrews was Hebrews 6:19 “We have this