Last Friday we observed Good Friday in remembrance of our Lord’s crucifixion and death on the cross. By tasting death
Proclaim that Christ lives and that He is returning soon! (27 Mar 2016)
You are set free from sin – serve Christ only (25 Mar 2016)
Distractions (20 Mar 2016)
We live in a world of distractions. Drivers on the road tend to slow down when they see the unexpected;
Feelings (13 Mar 2016)
When we read through the Psalm, we find almost all kinds of emotions being expressed through the various psalmists –
The Joy of Forgiveness (6 Mar 2016)
On Thursday, I received the following picture from a sister in this church and with the caption “NAILED TO THE CROSS ON A FRIDAY. HOW IS THAT GOOD?”. It is a banner outside a church along Orchard Road. What a reminder and good news for the public!