“The LORD (YHWH) says to my Lord: ‘Sit at My right hand, until I make Your enemies Your footstool’” (Psalm 110:1).
Psalm 110:1 is referred to 24 times in the New Testament. In the Gospels, Jesus applies Psalm 110:1 to Himself. Psalm 110:1 gives early Christians the mindset and motivation to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ despite fierce persecutions and economic hardships.
Psalm 110 reveals three roles of Jesus: Eternal King of kings, Great High Priest and Judge of the universe.
How can we emulate the examples of early Christians in the midst of our challenges?
Firstly, acknowledge Christ as the reigning King of kings. We profess our allegiance and devotion to Him. We declare by our words and works that He has conquered death. We serve as the King’s servants in our homes, workplace and local church (Psa 110:1-2a; Matt 6:33).
Secondly, appreciate Christ’s High Priestly role. His Blood and His Body were the sacrificial offerings that He brought to God. We practise our priestly roles by our spiritual worship, thanksgiving, intercession, petitions and requests to God. As members of the royal priesthood of Christ, we confess sins and transgressions on behalf of fallen humanity, such as unbelief in God, broken human relationships and flaws of fallible fellow believers. We pray for our secular leaders and Christ’s enemies. We seek to forgive as Christ has forgiven us (Psa 110:4; Eph 4:32).
Thirdly, approach Christ the Judge of the living and the dead with awe. In humility and contrition, ask God to judge where we see or suffer injustice. Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was on the cross of Jesus that justice and mercy met. God’s wrath is on all injustice, corruption and evil. Jesus came not to judge but to offer mercy, forgiveness, grace and God’s gift of eternal life. He will be the Judge at the Great White Throne. He is just and righteous (Psa 110:5-6a).
“Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD GOD is an everlasting rock” (Isaiah 26:4)
Elder Yoong Yuen Soo