Waves (27 Jul 2014)

Waves. I have always been fascinated by waves, none of which is the same as another. The first picture is from the recent church camp, the second, Cottesloe beach, Perth. I am intrigued by the idea of waves in our lives.  Waves that are light, waves that are tumultuous. Waves that come in at the high tide, waves that recede at the low.

Frequently in our lives, we prefer waves that are high and uplifting. We try our best to avoid that which is painful, that which is uncomfortable, that which reminds us we are still on this side of heaven. What are some waves you have experienced in the first half of the year? Some are riding high after the church camp. Good. What kinds of waves are we expecting in the second half?

For many of us, waves bring uncertainty, transitions and change.  What have we learnt of Jesus while riding the waves in the first half of the year?

For some of us, it could be seeing God’s dealings through the ages, right from Adam to now. For others, it is knowing God through obedience to His leading to do short-term mission trips and experiencing first hand, walking with Jesus and sharing Him, praying, marveling at a God who is still on the throne and who can meet man’s needs.

I lost a dear friend to cancer recently. Also, I am walking with another whose husband of 38 years decided to give up the family for another. What do we know of God to help us through the tumultuous waves? Perhaps, some of us are going through stormy times with many questions. As you go through these times, allow God to reveal Himself again as you ride the wave of life.

You rule the raging of the sea; when its waves rise, you still them. (Psalm 89:9. ESV)

Thankful for support to grow my passion in lifelong learning, with specific focus on knowing God more through His revealed word, the Bible (2 Tim 2:15). Thankful for friends who stay as friends through many years and who have weathered storms with us.

Thankful too for a God who loves and reaches out to us in the midst of our waves. A God who protects us from the extremities and draws us to the right focus.

Thankful for a God who is merciful, who seeks our highest good, longs for us to draw near to Him, fellowship and worship Him (John 4:23). Let us linger in His presence. Let us allow Him to refresh and restore us. For, we are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession (1 Pet 2:9, ESV).

As we venture into the second half of the year, let us look to Him who has sustained us and kept us thus far, and let us look up to Christ, the author and finisher of our faith, thankfully, dependently, expectantly. Pray. Linger in His presence.

Riding the waves together with Christ


Deaconess Dr Ler Soon Lay