Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. (Col 2:6-7 ESV)
I find it both easy and challenging working in a church where I grow up. I do experience difficult moments. Thank God, He helps me to overcome them. I turn to Him for comfort, for His grace to forgive and His strength to endure work demands that are beyond me.
Is there a lot of work pressures as an Administrative Officer in Bethesda Chapel? Yes. I supposed it could be the same elsewhere. In a home church, anyone can ask me to do things. Those who appraise me are sensible but it is hard for them to know all that I do. I am thankful that Jesus knows all the things I do. Many are outside my scope of duties. I do not count them, yet I do all things as to Him.
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ. (Col 3:23-24 ESV).
Yes, based on Col 3:24, they are right. So I appreciate them, and thank God for I do all things in Jesus’ Name. I look forward to the glorious inheritance of Christ Jesus, for I am serving Him.
Indeed working in Bethesda Chapel is satisfying and pleasant though at times it can be challenging. I have many opportunities to apply the Word of God. After all, I get to work with co-workers who are believers and also have many occasions to interact with unbelievers. Working in church allows me to study the Word, to hear the Word preached, be encouraged by weekly testimonies during prayer services, and pray for the whole range of ministries of the church. By rostering personnel for weekly duties, I can interact with a number of committed believers. The number of volunteers amazed me. They are truly a priesthood of believers as far as service within the premise of church is concerned. They would call me when they want a change because of their other commitments.
We are blessed with exemplary and supportive leaders and members. It is always encouraging to have support from church members. I also learn a lot from church camps.
I thank Jesus for making me a child of God. I belong to Him and am assured that He guides and protects me each day. I will face different situations but I know that He cares for me. When I fall, He will help me. I am thankful for His Word and I know that He will bless me as I read His Word daily. God bless you all.
Brother Eddy Oh