“But we have THIS TREASURE in jars of clay (mortal bodies), to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us” (2 Cor 4:7).
“So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self (exo man) is wasting away, our inner self (eso man) is being renewed day by day” (2Cor 4:16).
All disciples of Jesus Christ have been regenerated by God’s Spirit. Once we were spiritually dead in trespasses and sins, now we have the life of God. God empowers each one of us to live godly lives along with good conduct and good works. For we are called by grace to know Christ and give God the glory.
God Himself will equip you and strengthen you to be the salt of the corrupted earth and the light of the spiritually darkened world.
The Word of God has become a human being in the Person of Jesus Christ. He is “God with us.” To all who believe in the Name of Jesus and receive Him, God adopted them as His children. God gives also the Holy Spirit to indwell in them.
For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in
our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in
the face of Jesus Christ (2Cor 4:6 ESV).
The Gospel gives us the knowledge of the glory of Christ (2 Cor 4:6).
Jesus the Christ has come, the Word of God became a human being.
He promised that the Holy Spirit will come and dwell in the hearts of all who believed in His Name. “For we are the temple (shrine, vaos) of the living God” (2Cor 6:16).
The Holy Spirit is God’s seal of promise of eternal life and divine light (2Cor 1:21-22).
Christ in you is the hope of glory (Col 1:27).
So, we as disciples of Christ, young and old, male and female, single and married, have THIS TREASURE – the active life of Christ.
We are commanded to walk in the light of GOD. This GOD is the light of mankind. He is also the life giver and the God of love.
Be the salt of the earth by cultivating Christ-like attitudes in a society that is getting more corrupted morally and spiritually (Mat 5:3-10).
This present world is a sinful world. It is a world of enticement of the desires and lust of fallen mankind. This world does not know the Father in heaven. So this world will hate you.
The antichrist, the false and deceiving spirits deny:
1) Jesus Christ has come in the flesh
2) Jesus is the Christ
3) The Father and the Son.
The Holy Spirit in you is greater that the evil one who has the whole world in his power
This world is passing away, and all whoever abides in the will of GOD abides forever.
Shine as the light of the world so that people who see your light can come to the true light of GOD in the person of Jesus Christ.
Elder Yoong Yuen Soo