Time flies with each passing year as we come to the close of 2023. As a church, we are grateful to God for many things.
On 13 Feb 2023, most of the Covid restrictions in Singapore were lifted. We resumed singing in church, reinstated open worship in our 8.00 am English Worship Service (EWS1) and returned bibles and hymnals to our pews. This return to normalcy seems surreal.
One of our goals was to have our worship service attendance return to pre-Covid levels. In particular, we set a target of 124 for our 10.30 am English Worship Service (EWS2). Whilst we made good progress, you can see that our attendance does fluctuate above and below that level. This presents an opportunity for us to be faithful in our attendance as well as encourage our friends, family and loved ones to worship with us on Sundays.
Our children’s ministry is an important part of our Sunday program as it also allows young parents to attend our worship services. Thanks to Doreen Tan, Debra Koh and team members for faithfully having led our children’s ministry for the past 8 years. Thank God that Xie Zheng Yang and team members will be taking over the children’s ministry in 2024. Please pray and support our children’s ministry.
On behalf of our deacons and elders, I wish to express our appreciation to our worship service leaders, song leaders, worship team and ministry leaders. Thank you for your leadership in 2023 and your labour of love unto the Lord. It is through our collective contributions as brothers and sisters in Christ that Bethesda Chapel is able to operate effectively every Sunday.
“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” (Galatians 6:9-10).
My beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, Thank you for your labour of love towards Bethesda Chapel and unto our Lord. May I take this opportunity to wish you a fruitful and fulfilling 2024!
Deacon Alvin Fu