Seek, Shape, Serve (6 Jul 2014)

Seek, Shape and Serve (Psalm 63:1) was the theme for our recently concluded family camp (19-22 Jun 14). All who have attended will agree with me that it was a great time of learning from the camp speaker, Dr Clive Chin’s exposition on the Word of God.  We also had excellent fellowship and fun throughout the camp.  You are all cordially invited to a special 1-hr camp echo programme immediately after the end of this morning’s Koinonia service, where we will present to you the highlights of this year’s family camp.

I personally learnt the following pointers from the four theme messages shared by Dr Clive Chin:

(a) Psalm 63.  That scripture reading and meditation should form the centrality of our hearts. And biblical truth imbibed into our hearts will prompt change in our lives.  We were challenged to learn to read the Word deeply.  Not just mere comprehension  but meditating and thinking, thus allowing the Holy Spirit to lead us closer to God as we allow His word to change us. It’s a spiritual discipline which will bring about spiritual growth and stability.

(b) Proverbs 4.  That we are to guard our hearts!  We were challenged to the wisdom of instruction from God and how we can acquire wisdom by walking close with God.  The intensity of guarding our hearts is likened to how a man would actively pursue and protect as it is his life!

(c) Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15).  Focusing on the elder brother in the parable, we were instructed that the heart is a vacuum. It has to be “filled” and the right thing is that we are not to be enslaved to the “idols of lives”.  Failing which, we will be no different from the Pharisees in the parable. And the ways to return back to God is to ask for forgiveness for the sins in our lives, be repentant and make God, the centre of our lives again (Isaiah 6; Psalm 51)

(d) 1 Corinthians 15.  This last sermon was entitled “A pep-talk from Paul”. And the key verse was 1 Cor 15:8 – “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord”. We were reminded to stand firm in the gospel of Jesus Christ and in the Christian hope.

In order to bless those who missed the camp, arrangement has been made for the recordings of the messages to be made available to all. So do look out for them when they are out!

I want to conclude this column by reiterating the purpose and importance of our Sundays’ gathering in this worship hall.  The question asked sometimes is “How is worship produced?” Some think there is a ministry that is to produce worship in God’s people. Worship is viewed as a thing that can be regulated by man’s talent and ability. It is revealing to see when different saints worshipped in scripture. They did not need to have a designed ‘worship atmosphere” but it came from the heart in the most ‘non worship’ environments – e.g. Gen 22:5; Job 1:20; Gen 24:52.  May we all be prepared every Sunday as we come into God’s presence to worship.  May we bow low before the Creator, Redeemer, Sovereign King and give Him His due ‘worth-ship’ in these offices with our heartfelt appreciation and obedient service.


Elder Andrew Lim