Reflections on Finishing Strong & Dying Well

At our English worship service on 16 July 2023, Dr Danny Goh ministered to us on the topic of “Finishing Strong & Dying Well.” When Danny first mentioned to me his idea of having a coffee chat at 9.45am after the first English worship service, I was hesitant. I was not quite sure how interested our members would be.

About 12 of us gathered for the chat and we had the opportunity to ask questions based on the sermon we had just heard.

“What are some practical steps to take concerning Finishing Strong?”

“How should I pray for the sick when I know the possibility of recovery is remote?”

“My aging mother has received Christ but struggles to get rid of the idols in her home. What should I do?”

Dr Danny dispensed practical wisdom on Finishing Strong: Exercise to keep yourself in good health, write your will, decide on your advanced medical directive and plan your funeral. Whilst you still have the mental capacity, make your own decisions so that your children will not be left with the burden of making them for you.

The taboo subject of death was discussed. As Christians, we have no fear of death though most of us may experience some form of suffering. Emulating Paul, we can aim to ascend above suffering towards Christlikeness.

“So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison” (2 Corinthians 4:16-17).

As a silent observer, I watched the rapid fire of questions and answers. Our questions bubbled with fears and our answers were honest with our hope assured in Christ our Rock. 

Time flew past quickly, and we had to stop. I left the room with a sense of shared humanity, encouraged that I am not alone in this life’s journey.

Perhaps we should have more coffee chats at 9.45am. I am not sure what you think and would really love to hear from you.


Deacon Alvin Fu