Evangelism is bringing the Good News to unbelievers. By practising evangelism in daily living, I have gained some personal benefits:
Spiritual Vitality I gain intimacy with Christ because He and the gospel are central in my life. By God’s grace, I actively abide in Christ, live for the glory of God and keep in step with the Spirit. Immersion in evangelism vitalises my spiritual life.
Character Development The Holy Spirit has graciously given me an evangelistic zeal and inspired me to intentionally share the Good News in my daily life. He has transformed me from being a reserved man of few words into a proactive conversationalist. Shining for Christ by living as salt and light in the world is second nature to me. Being resolute in overcoming fear, criticisms and rejections strengthens my character.
Knowledge Expansion Continually developing a broad spectrum of knowledge improves my witnessing skills. These cover Bible knowledge, Christian apologetics, conversational Mandarin and IT literacy for producing evangelistic materials.
Honour, Privilege And Enrichment God wills that all be saved. Evangelism is the means to this end. It is the heartbeat of Christ and mine too. I feel honoured and privileged to be His ambassador. In obedience, I am dedicated to trumpeting God’s salvation. I feel satisfaction whenever the gospel seed is sown and rejoice when someone receives Christ. By immersing in evangelism, I enrich my life in serving Christ and minimise unbeneficial activities in my life.
Cognitive Vitality Evangelism entails very much brain work including thinking on my feet. This energises my aged “bird” brain and reduces my risk of dementia.
Quality Of Life Evangelism has made my life purposeful, meaningful, fulfilling, enriching, joyful and blessed.
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. (2 Timothy 4:7 ESV)
Glory to God.
Richard Chng