“The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a wedding feast for his son.” (Matthew 22:2-14).
The wedding guests paid no attention to the invitation and went off, one to his farm, another to his business and they even ill-treated and killed the king’s servants who delivered the invitation. This angered the king and he decided to destroy them and burn their city.
Then the king extended the wedding invitation to people in the streets. And finally, the wedding hall was filled with many, both “good and bad”.
All wedding guests were given wedding garments to put on. One man could not give a reason to the king for not wearing one. As he had rejected the wedding garment provided by the king, the king decided to cast him into the outer darkness where “there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
Those who hear the Gospel are like those who accepted the King’s invitation to the banquet.
And those who accept God’s offer of salvation through Christ are like those who accepted the wedding garments, which point to the robe of righteousness of Christ (Isa 61:10).
Indeed, many will hear the Gospel but few will accept it to be “chosen in Christ.”
Yoong Hong Siang