Knowing Christ
The students I teach include a Brazilian, an air hostess, a Canadian, a young man who was injured saving his mother. How do we know? Through questions like where were you before you enter university? One way to get to know someone is to ask questions and spend time with them.
Our church theme for the next five years is to know Jesus and to make Him known. We were given explanations on what this means: to know God is to know what He is (Dr Ng Hwee Hin, 31 Dec 2011) and to have our motivation from God (Andrew Lim 8 Jan 2012). This time, we would like to focus on how we can know Jesus.
First, is it possible to know an infinite God, we being finite beings? Because humankind is finite and God is infinite, we cannot know God unless he reveals Himself to us, just as I would not know my students if they do not share. What are some ways God reveals himself to us? Ways include through nature and the Bible.
Nature: ‘The heavens declare the glory of the Lord’ (Psalms 19:1). The focus is that God is the creator and we, the created. About 30 years ago, we led a group of young people from Bethesda Chapel to climb Mt Ophir, Malaysia. Upon summiting, the group burst out in spontaneous worship as we saw the wonder of our God. Another example is when my brother, Andrew Lerh (current camp commandant) spoke to us of the Southern cross (giving directions) and once again, we saw God’s handiwork.
Bible: We can know God through systematic study of the Word. For example, He is sovereign, holy and His compassion fails not (Lam 3:22-3). Personally, I was touched by the constant care of the Great Shepherd over us when I looked at I Pet 2:25 more closely. Recently, we know a little more of God through what our mum (who went for a cancer operation) said, ‘God knows every part of me. No need to fear’. Indeed, like the Psalmist, we know that God knows us intimately (Psalms 139).
Through casual observation of BC leaders, members, colleagues, I learnt something about God. Their gracious ways in working quietly says something about God – that He is working out His purposes in this world (Dr Tan Soo Inn’s BGST class last year). Knowing him shapes the way we live. Our response:
Dear God, help us to see you as we go about our everyday life (home, school, army camp, workplace, church), as we read your Word (QT, study and listening to your word) and as we draw on the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Perhaps, you would like to comment and share your thoughts and experiences in knowing Jesus and encourage others. You could do this through our blog
Yours for knowing God
Deacon Dr Ler Soon Lay