Keep in Step with the Spirit – Part 1 (31 Dec 2017)

As we begin another year, let us all keep in step with the Spirit (Gal 5:26b)

While Jesus was in the flesh, His disciples observed Him, listened to His teachings and followed His manner of life. He commanded His disciples to abide in His Word. Today, our glorified Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is in Session – seated at the right of God, interceding for each of us, guiding and teaching each of us by His indwelling Holy Spirit. He will soon take us to be with Him (John 14:2; 1 Thess 4:16-17).

All that Jesus has revealed to John the Apostle has been written in the last book of the Bible. Revelation 2 and 3 contain Christ’s assessment of the spiritual conditions of the local churches and our own spiritual conditions.

  1. Am I lukewarm or devoted to Jesus?
  2. Am I drifting away or holding firm to God’s truths?
  3. Am I ashamed of my lifestyle or boldly proclaiming the Gospel of grace?

The rest of Revelation discloses future events that will soon take place.

Let us press on to grow in faith and to know the Lord.

Let us trust God fully and rely on the strength of the Holy Spirit to accomplish God’s will. We can do God’s will while we are in school, at work, at home, or on vacation or in mission trips.

Let us not lean on our own understanding (Prov 3:5,6). Let us forget what lies behind and strain forward to what lies ahead (Phil 3:13).

We ought to live each day with the expectancy of His imminent return for He says, ‘“Surely I am coming soon!”

We can keep in step with the Spirit by hearing, reading, studying, memorising, meditating, and applying the truths from the Holy Bible.

Whether we are studying or working full-time or part-time, or have retired from work, we ought to set aside personal time to receive the teaching of God’s Word by the omnipresent Holy Spirit.

It is recorded that it would take 500 lamb skins’ to write the whole Bible and it would take a scribe 15 years to copy it.

If you were to copy out a whole Bible by hand, you may need to work up to 14 hours a day for four years.

Why should we read the bible?

One could read the Bible through in a year by reading less than 12 minutes a day!

What is your personal plan with regards to the Holy Bible?

Ask the Lord to give you the motivation, the hunger and desire for the partaking of the spiritual food and the illumination by the Holy Spirit so as to keep in step with the Spirit.

Bruce Metzger, professor emeritus of Princeton Theological Seminary, says, “As long as I am able, I want to follow the motto that is found in a 1734 edition of the Greek New Testament: “Apply yourself totally to the text; apply the text totally to yourself.”


Elder Yoong Yuen Soo