Recently my family and I had the privilege to attend the National Day Parade Preview 2 at the Marina Bay Floating Platform. It was an exhilarating experience as we witnessed many performances: the Red Lions parachuting, fighter jets flying past, marching contingents, fireworks display, etc.
To encourage spectators’ participation, we were each given a heart shaped hand drum, that emitted red or white light, to hit with our hands during the show. To our delight we were able to write something on the drum to say what we were grateful for. My son interestingly wrote that he was grateful for having been born in Singapore.
There are many instances where gratitude has been shown in the Bible. In the healing of the ten lepers by Jesus (Luke 17:11-17), one leper who was a Samaritan fell on his face at Jesus’ feet and gave thanks when he was healed. In Luke 7:44-50, the sinful woman showed her gratitude to Jesus when she cleaned Jesus’ feet with her hair and applied ointment.
I recall that there were many things I could be grateful and thankful to God for during the Covid-19 years: provision of a new job, protection from Covid-19, my child passing his major exam, etc. Most importantly, I am grateful and thankful to God for sending His beloved Son Jesus to die for my sins so that I can have eternal life.
What are the things you can be grateful to God for?
Leo Deng Yong