Hope in God (2)

In Feb 2023, I submitted a pastoral column entitled Hope in God. I mentioned that long queues of CNY punters were seen at the Singapore Pools outlets islandwide in the hope of striking the grand prize in the Toto draw. People are focusing their hope on winning and do not realise there is actually a greater HOPE. This hope in Jesus is what we Christians eagerly await.

We thank God for gathering BC members to help in the annual CNY oranges and tract distribution to the Kembangan community in 2023.

In 2024, we had the opportunity to visit the residents of Blocks 1 and 2 of Eunos Crescent. Our experience in all our tract distribution events had always been filled with some anxiety initially such as number of helpers, weather conditions, nasty encounters and difficult residents. But with praise and glory to God, we were able to testify after each session of blessings, encouragement and God’s leading. The Kembangan Outreach Committee would like to thank ALL helpers past and present for their love, commitment and perseverance.

We are thankful to God that the faithful work has enabled the team to extend its ministry into a Wednesday BC Activity Centre where our contacts in the Kembangan community are now beginning to find their footprints within the premise of BC.

Our God is the Lord of the harvest (Luke 10:2). He chooses the right moment to do His work of salvation in the hearts of men and women. There are testimonies of seniors who came to the Lord through some of the home visitations.

Let’s continue to put our trust and hope in our God, the Almighty as we have received His salvation. Let’s keep our eyes open, seizing the opportunities He presents, to join Him in offering His salvation to others.

Andrew Lim