“… holding fast to the Head, from whom the whole body, nourished and knit together through its joints and ligaments, grows with a growth that is from God” (Col 2:19)
There are many precious lessons we can take away from the Epistle to the Colossians. The most important of all is to give Christ the pre-eminence. He must be the Number One in your life (Col 1:18). As you read this article, you can respond by placing a tick in the ___ so that you hold fast to the Head and make personal commitments to Him:
___ I will give Christ the pre-eminence in my life.
He is the Head of the Church. He is seated at the right hand of God. He is interceding for all who draw near to the Holy God with humble and contrite heart.
Last week, my wife and I were having lunch and we met my former office colleague, QS. When we brought up the topic of God, he said he has been reading the Bible. I am praying that the Holy Spirit will bring conviction and conversion to QS. I am reminded of God’s desire to reach out to all men and that none may perish (2 Pet 3:9). Also the Holy Father draws men to Jesus (John 6:44). All souls belong to God and that the soul who sins shall die. At the resurrection of the unjust, all who trust in their own works will stand before God’s Great White Throne to give an account of all they have done on earth.
Everyone who has a career will eventually has to retire. My friend QS was sharing that the lecturers in their 60’s are reaching the end of their extended years of work. What is next after work?
The big question for every man is that of destiny. At the end of one’s life on earth, where will one be? Every human being is a spiritual being. So it should not be difficult to raise a spiritual topic from everyday topics. Nearly all the religions have something to say about the present life, death, heaven and hell, and the soul. An objective comparison of Christian, Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist answers for these spiritual topics will show that they are different.
I met a man called Mr Ong with two of his Christian friends. He said that he spent many years seeking peace and meaning in Buddhism. Finally at the age of 77 years, he reckoned that the Creator God of the Bible is true. Praise God for His mercies and grace, Mr Ong has turned around to believe and follow Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour. He was baptised last year.
___ I am convinced are you that Christ has THE ANSWER to these spiritual topics (Col 1:16; 2:3).
___ I am conscious that Christ has forgiven my sins. He has cancelled my spiritual debt (Col 2:14).
___ I am confident that Christ has disarmed the rulers and authorities and defeated them (Col 2:15).
Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. On account of these the wrath of God is coming (Col 3:5-6).
___ I will heed the above warning, concerning the Appearing of Christ
___ When Christ who is my life appears, then I will also appear with him in glory (Col 3:4).
___ I will serve Christ in all I do so as to be ready to meet Him when He appears (Col 3:17,23).
Elder Yoong Yuen Soo