GROW in FAITH (27 Dec 2015)

GROW in FAITH – study the Word of God and be taught by the Spirit of God.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Thank God for all those who have recently taken the step of obedience by going through the water of baptism last Sunday. They have shown publicly their
commitment to obey Jesus and have reminded all of us to be commited to obey Him. We must set aside time to study the Word of God systematically and obey every truth that He has revealed to us.

Thank God also for the Christmas event on 25 Dec 2015. We pray that those who have heard the glad tidings may believe in Jesus as Saviour and King of their lives.

Today is the last Sunday of 2015. Most sermons end with challenges to obey God’s Word. Obedience of God’s truth brings blessings. God knows who hears and obeys and who listens and forgets.

As we grow in our faith in Christ, we need to contend for the faith that has been entrusted to us in our generation. False teachings, attractions of the world and personal desires can erode our faith.

As the year 2016 begins next Sunday on 3 Dec 2016, let us commit to obey God and study the Word of God diligently. Let us be taught by the indwelling Holy Spirit.

Only then will we:

1) be able to discern false teachings and learn sound doctrines;

2) make right choices in a world that has many distractions;

3) deny self and sin, and decide serve Christ, our Master.

God’s grace will be sufficient for you.


Elder Stephen Yoong