Glorify God by serving Christ in Bethesda Chapel

God, through His Holy Spirit, apportions spiritual gifts and abilities to every believer according to His grace and the measure of our faith in Christ. God is glorified by your service to Christ in Bethesda Chapel.

Heed God’s Word in Romans 12:1-8 which teaches us how to serve Him:

Firstly, present yourselves as a living sacrifice to God as an act of spiritual service. This includes regular prayers for one another and for the church, singing of songs/hymns, partaking of the emblems in memory of Christ’s death, giving of offerings, and making an effort to share His good news with others. God desires all your being – your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

Secondly, be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Cultivate good habits of hearing, reading, studying, memorizing, and meditating on God’s Word and obeying the truths imparted by the Holy Spirit. God’s Word will sanctify your minds, your hearts, and your lips. Whatever you think, say, listen, see, do and wherever you go will be guided by the Holy Spirit. You will be discerning and doing the perfect will of God daily. The Holy Spirit will guide you with God’s truths and shape your character to be more Christ-like. This can take place in the home, school, work, and all social environments.

Thirdly, function as a member of Bethesda Chapel.  A church has many members. God has graciously given every member some spiritual gifts, abilities, talents, skills and valuable life and work experiences. These must be used for the growth of the local church at Bethesda Chapel. You can be giving or receiving, encouraging, teaching or learning. What if all are teachers and there are no learners? When you read the weekly BC Newsline and the monthly BC Prayer Bulletin, pray and give thanks as acts of service to God. Christ, our Great Intercessor in heaven, takes your prayers and answers them according to the will of our Heavenly Father. Your service to God, whether in prayer or in practical ways are seen by our Heavenly Father. He rewards you, even if no one else recognizes what you do (Matt 6:4,6,18).

Finally, serve Christ with zeal so that you may not be disqualified in your service for Him. Pray for fellow church members to resist worldly temptations whilst providing honest service in the workplaces. Do not be worldly minded. Be transformed by God’s Word and obey His Word to be Christ-like.

There are many ways that you can serve Christ in Bethesda Chapel. Do prayerfully consider where you can serve Him by clicking on the link below:

To God be the glory!

Elder Yoong Yuen Soo