Doing the will of God (10 Jan 2016)

What is the will of God for a Christian that is “good, acceptable and perfect”? (Rom 12:2)

God has written His will for every believer in the Bible. We need to study His Word diligently and systematically throughout our Christian lives so as to discern and be equipped to do God’s will (2 Tim 2:15; Col 1:18; 2 Tim 3:15-17). This process is a life-long one. God reveals His specific will to each of us as we take on different roles in the changing seasons of our lives.

God calls Christians to at least THREE broad areas of service for Christ:

    1. Firstly, to bear witness to Christ’s transforming power

    Unbelievers look at Christians so see if Christ indeed is changing their lives. Christians want to experience the Holy Spirit’s transforming power in their lives. God will be glorified when we shine for Jesus in our conduct, speech and actions (Matt 5:13-14). Christians ought to show a transition from worldliness to godliness and make a difference for Christ.

    For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing (2 Cor 2:15) 

    2. Secondly, to share the gospel of Jesus Christ

    Unbelievers do not seek God. God seeks them. God commands Christians to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. The gospel is God’s power to convict and convert a sinner. We serve Christ by praying for unbelievers we meet, and by sharing the Gospel as the Spirit prompts us. The conversion is the Spirit’s work. We are just God’s messengers.

    For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. (Rom 1:16)

    For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. (1Cor 1:18)

    3. Thirdly, to grow in faith and be engaged as a member of Bethesda Chapel

    As members of a local church, we need to build one another up in the faith, care for one another and serve in the local church. We can discover, develop and deploy our God-given spiritual gifts for Bethesda Chapel. Our FOUR major church-level ministry areas are:

    1) WORSHIP & PRAYERS            3) WORD & LIFE
    2) WITNESS & WORK                4) EVANGELISM & MISSIONS

    The first two are related to God and the next two are related to the people around us.

    At a personal level, for a balanced and obedient life, one needs to have both vertical and horizontal spokes of a wheel, with Christ-centredness as the hub of the wheel:

    1) Worship                            3) Word
    2) Witnessing                        4) Fellowship

(See The Navigator’s Wheel displayed in the worship hall.)

I leave with you TWO important questions for your reflection, prayers to God and follow-up action:

Q1. What can you do to grow in faith and maturity in Christ Jesus?

Q2. In what ways can you deploy your talent, time and spiritual gifts for the maturity of Bethesda Chapel?


Elder Yoong Yuen Soo