
What you doing for Christmas? – A song lyrics

I came across this song (please use the above link to get the lyrics – intellectual property rights) which got me smiling and warmed my heart. I wonder if you remember your first Christmas – mine probably was when I was twenty-something in the late nineteen-eighties which I vaguely remember, that was also when Jesus first came into my life.

So many Christmas had passed by and those were always busy seasons of my life. I remember the musical dramas as well as many versions of depicting the birth of baby Jesus. One of my old favourites were the Christmas carols which we sang in the many homes which we visited (not forgetting the yummy foods which we got to eat).

Now fast forwarding to 2020, I wonder how Christmas would be like. It will be my first one in Bethesda Chapel and the excitement is building up. But the landscape has changed, there is a strange atmosphere of fear. Will it be like how I wish for the Covid-19 to go away, will it pass by like just another Christmas?

Christmas is coming. It is still not too late.

Ps Frankie Koh