Because you say so (30 Nov 2014)

One evening our Lord Jesus has used Simon Peter’s boat as a platform to speak and teach the multitudes that were following Him.  When He has finished speaking, He said to Simon “Put out into deep water and let down the nets for a catch.”  Simon answered, “Master we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything.  But because you say so, I will let down the nets.”  Not only was Simon’s catch fill his boat, the catch was over flowing in abundance that he has to call his partners in another boat to help and it was full too.  This account was recorded in Luke 5:1-7.

Jesus was a carpenter, what does he knows about fishing.  Simon Peter did not rationalise, he knows his Master and what He can do.  Do we know our Master?  Has He asked you to do something recently that may seem irrational with the human mind?  Simon was tremendously blessed because of his total obedience to Jesus.  His blessings overflow to others around him.

When the angel Gabriel visited Mary and told her that she will be with child and will give birth to a Son and to name him Jesus, Mary’s rational response was how could this be since I am a virgin?  The angel explained, … “For nothing is impossible with God.”  Mary final response was “I am the Lord’s servant, may it be to me as you have said”.  Mary knows her Master and accepted His will for her and because of her total obedience she was blessed.  Today, millions are recipients of this blessing including you and I (Luke 5:1-26-38).

Abraham was asked by God to leave his country, his people and his father’s household and go to a place where God will show him, so Abram left.  Abraham was blessed and he became a blessing to many nations (Genesis 12:1-1-4).

These ordinary man and woman had made history.  Today we are still talking about them and learning from them.  Their total obedience to their Master “Because you say so, I will do it” have brought blessings to themselves and to many around them.

What about us?  When was the last time God has asked you to do something that may even seem irrational but you know it is of God.  Did you obey?  If you did, you would have testimony to share with us and make known the greatness of our God.  I believe many of us would have such testimony to share because of our God.  Please share with us.

In my first pastoral column sharing in Feb 2013, I mentioned of how I left my secured job of 16 years without a job in hand.  I was very concerned of how I am going to financially support my family of five after that.  I remembered a colleague of mine said that how silly it would be for someone to leave the company during that time as the construction industry was going through a down-turn.  However, I knew in my heart that God’s instruction to me was to leave my job and to trust Him as my Jehovah Jireh.  I am to trust my Master’s wisdom and not mine.   Because you say so, I will do it.  For the foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom (1Cor 1:25a).

Today my God has continued to show His faithfulness that He is my Jehovah Jireh. He has provided for our family beyond my imagination.  I have told my three children that if I have not left my last job in obedience, I would not have been able to support them in their further education.

Dear brothers and sisters who are you trusting today?  Who is in control of your life?  Would you respond to our Master like Peter, Mary and Abraham and say “Because you say so, I will do it”.

Let us be wise and fear the Lord, our Master.  As followers of Jesus let us sit at His feet first thing in the morning and receive His Word so that you may be able to response to Him “Because you say so, I will do it.”

Brother Chua Eng Bee, David