White, Jerry E. Friends & friendship : the secrets of drawing closer [158.25 WHI]
“God has placed within you a need for intimate companionship. When this need is unfulfilled, you’re lonely. However, because of Christ’s love you can deal with loneliness, the authors say. Here is help on how to make friends, how to keep the ones you have, and when you’re justified in backing off from making new friends. The authors say, “No one can have a meaningful existence without love and friendship. They are the substance of our emotional life.” God knows your needs — He wants to give you close friends. In Friends and Friendship let Him show you His biblical cure for loneliness.”
DeRosa, Tom. Evidence for Creation [231.765 DER]
“Popular science teacher Tom DeRosa presents evidence from astronomy, geology, biology, and history to show why Darwin’s theory is at odds not just with Genesis, but with the facts of science itself. Discover why: the fossil record shows no evidence of evolution; physical laws support creation, not evolution; the “irreducible complexity” of the simple cell rules out the evolution theory; grim social consequences follow when political leaders embrace evolution. The facts show evolution to be an idea in disarray. So be prepared for challenging, intelligent answers.”
Sarfati, Jonathan. By design : evidence for nature’s intelligent designer – the God of the Bible [231.765 SAR]
“Today, the ID (“intelligent design”) movement is capturing headlines (and igniting controversy) around the world. But in the process, many are coming to think that a credible challenge to the dominant Darwinian naturalism of our time means backing away from a clear stand for the truth of the Bible. Now creationist heavyweight Jonathan Sarfati challenges this mindset head on.”
Schuller, Robert H.
The Be-happy attitudes [241.53 SCH]
“”Have you ever wondered how is it that some people sit in the sun looking like sour apples? … You can choose to be happy and whistle in the rain. You can discover the joy of living – of being alive. Happiness is a set of attitudes. You can discover them, learn them and live them. This book is about the life-transforming power of happy attitudes. Choose to BE-HAPPY – today!”
Eims, LeRoy. What every Christian should know about growing : basic steps to discipleship [248.4 EIM]
“Leads a new Christian through the first steps of growing up. By making abundant use of Scripture, the author shows: how to study the Bible; how to develop a prayer life; how to avoid pitfalls to Christian growth; how to live under the Lordship of Christ; how to be fruitful; how to be victorious over sin; how to understand basic Bible doctrines.”
Foyle, Marjory F. Honourably wounded : stress among Christian workers [248.4 FOY]
“After initial chapters on the current challenges of Christian work around the world, and on the nature of stress itself, Dr Foyle explores : depression; occupational stress; interpersonal relationships; parental and home-country stress; stresses in singleness and marriage; stress and children; burnout; caring for Christian workers.”
Storms, Sam. Pleasures evermore : the life changing power of enjoying God [248.4 STO]
“Presents a fresh and liberating perspective on why a relationship with God is not only possible but irresistibly pleasurable. Once you discover that God delights in your company, your desire for Him will only be satisfied by drawing closer to His unquenchable love through a life of passionate service. You will find yourself able to resist the seductive appeals of the world as you realise that your ever-increasing pleasure in God is the key to holiness and the catalyst for resisting sin.”
Hudson, Kathi. Raising kids God’s way : a Biblical guide for Christian parents [248.845 HUD]
“How can parents be assured that our children will be protected from the social and moral problems running rampant in our society? This book answers that question from a proven source – the Bible. Applying biblical principles, parents can guide their children into becoming citizens of great character.”
Wieland, Carl. Beyond the shadows : making sense of personal tragedy [248.86 WIE]
“When bad things happen to believers in a good God, are there answers, or do we have to write it all off as some sort of cosmic mystery? You may be one of many – or know someone – affected by difficult, even disastrous circumstances. In such things, could having answers and understanding the Bible’s “big picture” really make a practical difference? Could it help one to cope at a time when the joy of living is shattered? Carl’s personal testimony in this work is a resounding ‘yes’ to both of these. It’s been a profound help to many, particularly those who were asking the agonising questions of “Why?” and “Why me, Lord?” Dr Wieland’s fascinating insights bring a refreshing and soundly biblical slant to this intensely personal topic.”
Prayers around the family table (family prayers for all occasions) [249 PRA]
“These selections will enrich a family’s time together, enhance personal reflection, or make public gatherings and celebrations more meaningful. It offers readings and prayers on topics such as guidance, protection, birthdays, graduations and weddings, as well as prayers for special holidays. Each entry features a passage from the Bible, a prayer, and a thought for meditation.”
Small group idea book : resources to enrich community, worship, prayer, Bible study, outreach [253 SMA]
Contents: Community resources — Worship and prayer resources — Bible study resources — Outreach resources — Appendix A: incorporating children and youth into small groups — Appendix B: building bridges to ethnic minorities.
Hoke, Steve. Global mission handbook : a guide for cross-cultural service [266.023 HOK]
“Veteran mission professionals Steve Hoke and Bill Taylor offer a practical guide for preparing for intercultural missions. They provide resources for personal spiritual preparation as well as cross-cultural skills and hands-on missionary training. They outline the process for finding actual placement with a sending church, mission agency or organization, with key questions you should be asking along the way. This guide also includes material on the latest developments and issues in mission, such as religious pluralism and the uniqueness of Jesus; globalization and culture; business as mission and community development; global poverty and human trafficking; HIV/AIDS and malaria; international justice and commercial sex workers. Throughout the book are stories from real-life practitioners who share their experiences and insights into cross-cultural mission and what God is doing around the world.”
Brown, Michael L. How saved are we? Has the Church fallen asleep in the enemy’s lap? [269 BRO]
“For years we have preached a defective message – and now we have a defective Church. This unsettling book challenges us to ask ourselves what kind of born-again experience we have had if it calls for almost no personal sacrifice, produces virtually no separation from the world, and breeds practically no hatred of sin. Read this book and find out just how saved we are. It is time for a rude awakening!”
McKeever, Stacia. “The seven C’s of history: helping children defend their faith” [231.765 MCK]
1 book + 7 lesson flyers + 1 CD
Contents: Foreword by Ken Ham — About the authors — Letter to the teacher — Lesson 1 : Creation — Lesson 2 : Corruption — Lesson 3 : Catastrophe — Lesson 4 : Confusion — Lesson 5 : Christ — Lesson 6 : Cross — Lesson 7 : Consumation.
McKeever, Stacia. “Questions: helping kids answer the world’s big questions about their faith” [231.765 MCK]
1 book + 7 lesson flyers + 1 CD
Contents : Where did humans come from? – Why do we look different? – Why are snakes scary? – Did animals evolve? –What about dinosaurs? –Was there an ice age? – What about aliens?
Hately, David. The good Samaritan [226.4 HAT]
“The story is based on the Gospel of St Luke, chapter 10, verses 30-37”.
Avoiding the love for money / John MacArthur [248.6 MAC]
2 CDs
“Pastor MacArthur will radically transform the way you think about money and even relieve unnecessary guilt.”
Absolute modern worship : 25 modern worship hits from today’s top artists [782.254 ABS]
2 CDs
disc 1. Famous one (Building 429) — Your grace is enough (By the Tree, with Inhabited) — He is exalted (Shane & Shane) — Call on Jesus (Nicole C. Mullen) — Everyday (SonicFlood) — For who you are (Big Daddy Weave) — I could sing of your love forever (Salvador) — Holy and anointed one (Skillet) — The one thing I know (Sara Groves) — Restore me (Anthony Evans) — Falling (Pocket Full of Rocks) — The cross (Kate Miner)
disc 2. No one like you (BarlowGirl) — King (Tree63) — I belong to you (Superchic[k]) — Give us clean hands (Mark Schultz) — Sanctuary (Jaci Velasquez) — God of wonders (By the Tree) — You lift me up (Rachael Lampa) — Every move I make (Fusebox) — King of magesty (Lincoln Brewster) — Turn your eyes upon Jesus (Selah) — It’s all about Jesus (Planetshakers) — Can’t know a life (Mikeschair) — A thousand hallelujahs (Mark Roach)
God’s kids worship : red (Bob Singleton’s Kids Chorus) [782.254 GOD]
1 CD
Contents: Celebrate Jesus / Gary Oliver — Leaning on the everlasting arms — The loving kindness / Hugh Mitchell — Amazing grace — Ah, Lord God — Open the eyes of my heart / Paul Baloche — His name is wonderful / Audrey Mieir — I will sing of the mercies — Trust and obey (When we walk with the Lord) — He is Lord — Wade in the water — Lord, I lift Your name on high / Rick Founds — He is exalted / Twila Paris — Peace like a river — Mighty is our God / Eugene Greco, Gerrit Gustafson, Don Moen — Praise Him, praise Him — Alive, alive — Great is the Lord / Michael W. Smith, Deborah D. Smith — I stand in awe / Mark Altrogge — Wonderful words of life.
Heart of worship, vol.2 : worship in spirit & truth [782.254 HEA]
2 CDs
Disc 1. Can’t stop talking — Praise God from whom — My lips shall praise you — I’ve found Jesus — By your side – Hungry — Salvation belongs to our God — Jesus shall take the highest honour — I will arise — All I once held dear — It’s rising up — For the cross — God is good all the time — Lion of Judah — Be thou my vision. Disc 2. Holy spirit rain down — Let your glory fall — Great is the Lord — Faithful God — O Lord your tenderness — I hear angels (holy, holy) — Breathe — Amazing love — I love you Lord — Change my heart O God — Jesus Christ (once again) — Jesus, lover of my soul — He is the Lord –Shout to the Lord — Can’t stop praising.