New Titles in Emmaus Library, Issue 2, Jul 2018

Russell, Walt. Playing with fire: how the Bible ignites change in your soul [220.1 RUS]

“For too many of us, reading the Bible is about as enjoyable as pulling weeds. At best, it’s unexciting, and sometimes, it’s just plain work. But Bible scholar Walt Russell insists that when we study the Scriptures properly, it’s like playing with fire – a fire that can ignite dramatic change in our souls. With a style that is both intelligent and engaging, Russell provides the tools you’ll need to study different styles of biblical writing in-depth – and unlock their meaning. And with this fuller understanding of God’s Word, you’ll be able to unleash a heart transforming power that burns away your defences, bringing radical change to your life! When your read your Bible, why settle for pulling weeds when you could be playing with fire?”

Solomon, Robert M. God in pursuit: lessons from the Book of Jonah [224.92 SOL]

“..the story of Jonah is really a story of God’s heart and God’s mission. It tells of a loving God who pursues His people relentlessly – whether a renegade prophet, a boatful of desperate sailor, or a sinful city. It speaks of a merciful God who is always ready to give people a second chance. And it shows us a compassionate God who is working in our hearts even as He challenges us to love others. Don’t miss the beautiful truths contained in what Jesus himself called the “sign of Jonah”.

Toussaint, Stanley D. Behold the King: a study of Matthew [226.2 TOU]

“…develops and traces Matthew’s thoughts on these foundations of Christianity. Readers will appreciate the historical/grammatical hermeneutic drawn directly from the Greek text. Written from a dispensational and premillennial perspective…offers a careful study of God’s eternal kingdom and Jesus’ role as the King of Jews and Christians alike.”

Fernando, Ajith. Leadership lifestyle: a study of 1 Timothy [227.83 FER]

“The church today needs leaders – men and women who are more than just managers of people, money, and organizational charts. In our pursuit of growth and prosperity, we may have lost sight of clear biblical principles of how we should find and train leaders for the church and the world. From the Bible, come timely answers! The author, a third-world Christian, examines principles of leadership taught in the letters to Timothy from the Apostle Paul, the leader of leaders. The philosophies and principles drawn from the Bible, applicable to every generation, might surprise some people today. This book is destined to be a trendsetter, a clear call to a return to the biblical perspective of leadership – which is not corporate management but leadership drawn from the models of parenthood and servanthood.”

Baxter, J. Sidlow. Does God still guide? The essentials of guidance and growth in the Christian life [231.5 BAX]

“Does God Still Guide? Or, more fully, what are the Essentials of Guidance and Growth in the Christian Life?”
Contents: Part One: Aspects of Guidance – 1. Guidance: Why We Need It – 2. When Does Guidance Come? – 3. How Do We Know Guidance? – 4. Do We Still See Guidance? – 5. May We Now Have Guidance? 6. So, What About It? – Part Two: Adjuncts of Guidance 7. Living in the Will of God – 8. About Self-management – 9. Prayer and Guidance – 10. Those Strange Delays – 11. Walking in the Light – 12. Postscript: Why Not You?”

Gaiser, Frederick J. Healing in the Bible: theological insight for Christian ministry [234.13 GAI]

“In the midst of an ongoing debate about health care, what does the Bible say about healing? Here a respected scholar reads biblical texts on health and healing with care and imagination, engaging the reader in lively conversations with the text and with questions of contemporary theological and pastoral concern. Gaiser offers close readings of fifteen key Old and New Testament passages, considering their significance for the church’s understanding of healing and its ministry today. The book examines such significant matters as God’s role in healing, the relation between sickness and sin, healing and prayer, God’s healing and medical science, and healing under the sign of the cross, offering fresh insights for anyone interested in Christian views on healing.” –

Biblical lovemaking: a study of the Song of Solomon [239.6 FRU] HOT Book for Young Marrieds!

“A literal approach to The Song of Solomon. From this very real story written in poetic form comes many principles from a biblical perspective on the subjects of courtship, marriage, and sex, as well as many practical suggestions on how to enjoy your mate.”

Geisler, David. Conversational evangelism: connecting with people to share Jesus [236.9 GEI]

Contents: The need for pre-evangelism in a postmodern world — Introduction to conversational evangelism — Learning the role of the musician — Learning the role of the artist — Learning the role of the archaeologist — Learning the role of the builder — The art of answering objections while moving forward — The art of asking questions of people with different worldviews — Countering common misconceptions that affect evangelism.

Klingaman, Patrick. Finding rest when the work is never done [248.4 KLI]

“…helps you evaluate where you are on the “work/rest” spectrum and where you want to be…explores such topics as: Resting your body, mind, heart, and soul; Scheduling your life with purpose; Rediscovering the Sabbath; Creating rest where you live, work, and worship; Finding restoration through retreat.”

Osborne, Larry. Accidental Pharisees: avoiding pride, exclusivity, and the other dangers of overzealous faith [248.4 OSB]

Contents: Accidental Pharisees : the dark and dangerous side of overzealous faith — Pride : when comparison becomes arrogance — Exclusivity : when thinning the herd becomes more important than expanding the kingdom — Legalism : when sacrifice crowds out mercy — Idolizing the past : when idealism distorts reality — The quest for uniformity : how uniformity destroys unity — Gift projection : when my calling becomes everyone else’s calling.

Dobson, James. Preparing for adolescence : how to survive the coming years of change[248.83 DOB]

“Inferiority – how to avoid feelings of inferiority and develop self-confidence; Conformity – how to handle group pressure and the dangers of substance abuse; Puberty – understanding physical changes, sexual development, menstruation, masturbation, and fear of abnormality; Romantic love – the ten most common misconceptions about romantic love; Identity – how to make sound decisions, deal with feelings, overcome discouragement, and handle independence.”

Fernando, Ajith. The call to joy & pain [248.86 FER]

“Blending biblical faithfulness, gripping stories, and pastoral compassion, this book shows us how God uses pain for our good and his glory and reminds us that if we embrace our suffering, we will discover a contagious joy that makes Jesus beautiful in the eyes of a watching world. Written as a series of thirty short meditations here is a book to be savoured.” – Ray Pritchard.

Friend, Geoff. Thank you for the journey [253.5 FRE]

“…the key verse that I have used in my book comes from Joshua 1:9 Have I not commended you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go,,,You’ll see from the stories that I write about that I have needed God to keep this promise throughout the many challenges that I have faced.”

Armitage, Carolyn. Reaching for the goal: the life story of David Adeney, ordinary man extraordinary mission [266 ARM]

“David’s story includes captivating accounts of pre-communist China, pioneer missionary efforts, work with international student movements, as well as personal struggles, joys and crises. Through it all this single-minded man with a heart for people – particularly the Chinese – has communicated passionately the love and lordship of Christ to everyone he meets. He believes his life simply reflects God’s grace working through a very “ordinary person”. This “ordinary” life will challenge you to be motivated, not by selfish ambition, but by a desire to find the place where your life may count the most for God.”

Hui, Rodney. Keep going! A user-friendly guide to the Christian life & missions [266 HUI]

“This tells many intriguing stories of mission – from Caribbean reggae and Japanese baths to Cambodian children and soap-making in Nepal. The author explores missions in the real world, sometimes incredibly tough, sometimes incredibly joyful, but always Christ-centred. Rodney has been a missionary for many years and the book recounts scores of his thoughts and experiences. Invaluable and practical; this is an ideal starter guide to mission as well as useful and enjoyale for those already out there serving God.”

Randall, Ian. Spiritual revolution: the story of OM [266.023 RAN]

“…tells the compelling story of 50 years of Operation Mobilisation (OM), today with more than 5000 workers in over 100 countries. Beginning with George Verwer’s conversion as a teenager in New York City, the story traces God’s faithfulness from the first outreach in Mexico City to OM becoming one of the world’s largest mission agencies. Stretching from India to Latin America, OM has pioneered short-term missions, ships for world evangelism, and has been at the cutting edge of the explosive growth of missions from the global church. This is ground-breaking history.”

Lyall, Leslie T. A biography of John Sung [269.2 LYO]

“Dr John Sung was born in Fukien, China in 1901. He died at the age of forty-two. His active ministry was limited to just fifteen years, yet he had an unprecedented impact on the Church in China and Southeast Asia. Through his ministry tens of thousands were converted. Churches experienced revival. And thousands of Christians were challenged in their commitment to Christ. The late Leslie T. Lyall described him as “the greatest evangelist China has ever known. What was the secret of John Sung’s ministry? Why did God use him in such an extraordinary way? This honest account of an extraordinary and unusual servant of God provides some answers. It shows what may be achieved through one individual who relies on God’s transforming power and who is on fire for Christ and His gospel.”

Ooi, Chin Aik. Turning faces towards heaven: everyone can advance the Gospel [269.2 OOI]

“”Our desire and hope is that the record of God’s providential leading and His goodness through MAP [Ministries for Asia Pacific] will serve as an inspiration for all future aspiring evangelists and for you the reader. Part One of the book seeks to do that. Part Two of the book, Themes for Gospel Advance, seeks to press onto the readers, the urgency of the tasks with an end-time perspective, and call God’s people to reflect and act in the ‘Study Guide’ section. Part Three, Gospel advance In the 21st Century, seeks to present global and regional missiological trends and challenges for our time, in the hope that readers and churches can develop a global perspective for gospel advance in the ‘worst and best of times.'” — Cover.

Geivett, R. Douglas. A new apostolic reformation? A Biblical response to a worldwide movement[270.8 GEI]

“This critique provides a framework for understanding and interpreting the widespread but little-known New Apostolic Reformation movement. As the authors state in the preface: “We write this book with two major goals in mind. First, to give people an idea of the sheer size and reach of the NAR movement. And second, to systematize its key teachings and practices and evaluate them on the basis of Scripture and careful reasoning … In our judgment, the NAR perspective crosses these boundaries [that is, certain broad parameters, revealed in Scripture and practiced in the historical orthodox church], and it does so in part because of flawed theology rooted in a flawed understanding of Scripture. “We wish to warn readers about a possible confusion: Some critics have linked the NAR movement with mainstream Pentecostalism and
charismatics. We do not do this. In fact, it is our contention that the NAR movement deviates from classical Pentecostal and charismatic teachings. This movement has emerged out of independent charismatic churches and, thus, has gained a foothold in many of those churches in varying degrees. But we do not argue for cessationism, the view that the ‘miraculous gifts’ listed in 1 Corinthians 12 are no longer active in the church. Whether the miraculous gifts are ongoing has no bearing on the arguments of our book.”

MacArthur, John. Ashamed of the gospel: when the church becomes like the world [270.82 MAC]

“In the late 1800s, Charles Spurgeon warned that the church was drifting away from the purity of the gospel, candy-coating God’s Word rather than boldly proclaiming the truths of Scripture. As a result, Christianity’s influence in nineteenth-century England was severely weakened. One hundred years later, John MacArthur, troubled by the seeker-sensitive movement and an emphasis on pragmatism within the church, sounded the same alarm with the first edition of this title. MacArthur gives an overview of developments in the seeker-sensitive movement since his book was first published in 1993. New material traces the line of pragmatic philosophy from the seeker-sensitive movement through the Emergent phenomenon, explaining why the latter is a philosophical heir of the former-and an even greater danger; chronicles the failure of pragmatic approaches to church growth; and emphasizes the importance of evangelicals solidly committed to biblical doctrine rising to positions of leadership.”

Reeves, Kevin. The other side of the river [289.9 NEL]

“A compelling and deeply personal account of a young man’s spiritual plunge into a movement called the “River,” which claims to be spreading the kingdom of God through signs and wonders. Sometimes referred to as the River Revival, the Third Wave or the Latter Rain, this movement is marked by bizarre manifestations, false prophecies and esoteric revelations. Warnings of divine retribution keep many adherents in bondage, afraid to speak out or even question those things they are taught and are witness to. For Kevin Reeves, his determination to rescue his family came to the forefront, even if the cost was high and even if he had to stand alone, his journey back into the freedom and simplicity of Jesus Christ would be worth the price.”

Tong, Suit Chee. The Brethren story: 150 years of history in Singapore [289.9 TON]

“…chronicle the growth of the Brethren churches over the past 150 years and help Singapore Brethren discover and appreciate their rich legacy and shared beliefs. Besides the historical accounts, the book also includes contributions from Brethren members reflecting on missions and outreach, and contemporary issues and perspectives.”


Wow Gospel [782.254 WOW]

“1. This is the day / Fred Hammond — 2. Giants / Donald Lawrence presents the Tri-City Singers — 3. Yesterday / Mary Mary — 4. Imagine me / Kirk Franklin — 5. Yes / Kierra Kiki Sheard — 6. Stronger / Myron Butler & Levi — 7. Celebrate / Smokie Norful — 8. Magnify / Marvin Sapp — 9. Blessed & highly favored / The Clark Sisters — 10. Only you are holy / Donnie McClurkin — 11. l trust you / Richard Smallwood with sion — 12. Sinking / Tye Tribbett & G.A. — 13. God is featuring the Tri-City Singers / DeWayne Woods –14. Grace / Bishop T.D. Jakes & the Potter’s House Mass Choir — `15. A kid’s point of view / Dijon.”