Faith in an age of terror / edited by Quek Tze-Ming and Philip E. Satterhwaite [201 FAI]
“…attention has been drawn to the link between terrorism and religious belief, as both those responsible for terrorist acts and those who launch counter-terrorist actions justify what they do by appealing to religious teachings. Questions addressed include: What are the roots of violent human behaviour? Why does religious fundamentalism have violent potentials? What do the Bible and the Quran each say about religious violence? How should inter-religious dialogue be pursued, and what are appropriate ways for religious believers to commend their faith to those who do not share it? The essays raise questions and challenge the ways in which believers have traditionally done things. They should be read, not as providing final answers to the questions raised, but as a spur to further reflection, prayer and action.”
Nelson, Ehtel R. Bible in my language: Oracle bones speak = God’s promise to the Chinese [210 NEL]
Contents: 1. Confucius revealed the clue – 2. Who is ShangDi? – 3. In the beginning, God – 4. Chinese concepts of mankind’s creation – 5. Secrets of a lost garden – 6. Invader in the garden – 7. The fatal bite – 8. A costly rescue plan – 9. Confucius pointed the way – 10. The seed of a woman – 11. Original purpose of the Altar of Heaven – 12. ShangDi’s last promise – Postscript: Synchronizing Chinese and biblical history.
Brant, Jonathan. Downloading the Bible: a rough guide to the Old Testament [225.61 BRA]
“It’s short, it has pictures, and it tells you the who, what, why, and when of wilderness, promised lands, kings, poems, and prophets. It actually makes history cool.”
Brant, Jonathan. Downloading the Bible : a rough guide to the New Testament [225.61 BRA]
“It’s short, it has pictures, and it tells you everything you need to know about the Jesus days, about Jesus Himself, about his dense but (usually) loyal followers, about a supernatural life ¬from-death incident – more than one, actually – that the 1st-century FBI did everything they could to hush up. How even they couldn’t stop the good news from rocketing through their world.”
Levy, David M. Revelation : hearing the last word [228 LEV]
“You’ll discover a surprisingly clear picture of what we can expect in the last days and find answers to key questions such as…– How can we know if the end times are near? — What can we know about the Antichrist? — In what order will the events of the last days take place? — What will happen to Israel during the Tribulation? — What will life be like during the Millennial Kingdom? A valuable resource that describes what we can expect as we approach earth’s final hour!”
Roberts, Vaughan. God’s big picture [230 ROB]
“Sixty-six books, forty authors, written over nearly 2,000 years, in many different genres. A worldwide best-seller published in countless translations and languages. A book that has been sworn by in court, fought over, and quoted in arguments. Clearly, the Bible is no ordinary book. So how can we begin to read and understand the Bible as a whole? In this excellent overview, Vaughan Roberts gives you the big picture, showing how the different parts of the Bible fit together under the theme of the kingdom of God. He offers us tools to read it with confidence, enthusiasm and understanding. Vaughan points us to the Bible’s supreme subject, Jesus Christ, and the salvation God offers through him.”
Tham, Mary. God’s faithfulness, my faith: testimonies & adoration[234.2 THA]
“Come, follow the journeys of men and women as they testify of the Lord’s ever faithful presence in their lives. Through sickness, adversity, imprisonment and financial difficulty, these pilgrims experienced God’s divine touch, time and after, and received encouragement and fuel for their journeys. Mary, who helmed this book project and contributed her own story of being a single-parent, wants to convey the message: As God has initiated a covenant with His children, He expects us also to keep our side of the promise – simply by obeying Him. As you read every page, may you encounter the Almighty Lord’s quiet yet active involvement in every believer’s step of faith.”
Benware, Paul N. Understanding end times prophecy: a comprehensive approach [236 BEN]
“Many Christians think of end-times prophecy as a gigantic, intimidating puzzle — difficult to piece together and impossible to figure out. But every puzzle can be solved if you approach it the right way. Paul Benware compares prophecy to a picture puzzle. Putting the edge pieces together first builds the ‘framework’ that makes it easier to fit the other pieces in their place. According to Benware, the framework for eschatology is the biblical covenants. He begins his comprehensive survey by explaining the major covenants. Then he discusses several different interpretations of end-times prophecy. Benware digs into the details of the Rapture, the Great Tribulation, the judgements and resurrections, and the millennial kingdom. But he also adds a unique, personal element to the study, answering questions as: Why study Bible prophecy? What difference does it make if I’m premillenial or amillenial? If what the Bible says about the future puzzles you, Understanding End Times Prophecy will help you put together the pieces and see the big picture.”
Wallace, J. Warner. Cold-case Christianity: a homicide detective investigates the claims of the Gospels [239 WAL]
“For the first thirty-five years of his life, J. Warner Wallace was a devout atheist. After all, how can you believe a claim made about an event in the distant past for which there is little forensic evidence? Then Wallace realized something. Christianity was a lot like the cold cases he solved as a homicide detective — cold cases that turned out to have enough evidence, eyewitnesses, and records to solve. When Wallace applied his skills as an expert detective to the assertions of the New Testament, he came to a startling realization: the case for Christianity was as convincing as any case he’d ever worked as a detective.”
Briscoe, Stuart. Choices for a lifetime: determining the values that will shape your future [241 BRI]
“This book explains how godly values give solid foundations for living and provide the resources we need for purposeful, fulfilling lives. How we determine our values, Stuart Briscoe says, depends on what is sovereign in our life.”
Bonhoeffer, Diethrich. Life together: the classic exploration of Christian community [248 BON]
“Martyred by the Gestapo near the end of World War II for plotting to assassinate Hitler, Dietrich left a legacy of writings that has become a prized testimony of faith and courage for Christians around the world. This work is his inspiring account of a unique fellowship in an underground seminary during the Nazi years in Germany. It reads like one of Paul’s letters, giving practical advice on how life together in Christ can be sustained in families and groups. The role of personal prayer, worship in common, everyday work, and Christian service is treated in simple, almost biblical, words.”
St. John of the Cross. Dark night of the soul [248.23 SAI]
“This edition is the complete version containing all original footnotes and references. It is one of the most important books on spiritual growth ever written. This was clearly penned by a great mystic who experienced this “dark night” first-hand, and it describes the soul’s journey one often takes on its path toward discovering God. Many who have found God through a life-changing breakthrough have often experienced this dark night first, and this book offers one a view of what to expect and how to address such a major challenge. This version includes both Book 1 and Book 2, covering the purification of the senses and the purification of the soul, respectively. It was originally written in about 1579, when John of the Cross was jailed for trying to reform his Carmelite Order. This book remains as the most powerful guidebook of its kind up to the present day.”
Qureshi, Nabeel. Seeking Allah, finding Jesus: a devout Muslim encounters Christianity [248.246 QUR]
“Nabeel Qureshi describes his dramatic journey from Islam to Christianity, complete with friendships, investigations, and supernatural dreams along the way. Providing an intimate window into a loving Muslim home, Qureshi shares how he developed a passion for Islam before discovering, almost against his will, evidence that Jesus rose from the dead and claimed to be God. Unable to deny the arguments but not wanting to deny his family, Qureshi struggled with an inner turmoil that will challenge Christians, Muslims, and all those who are interested in the world’s greatest religions. Engaging and thought-provoking, Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus tells a powerful story of the clash between Islam and Christianity in one man’s heart—and of the peace he eventually found in Jesus.”
Tan, Soo-Inn. Born in ’47: a life in writing [248.4 TAN]
William Wan is a 3-in-1 lawyer, ordained pastor and an academic. William has put in writing his many thoughts, insights and reflections. This book is the distilled vintage collection of some of his numerous essays and books over the years. These are categorized into essays: public, perspective, pastoral, parental, personal and professional essays. There is also a last section on poems.
MacArthur, John. The heart of Christian fasting [248.47 MAC]
Contents: 1. Fasting in the Old Testament – 2. Fasting in the Sermon on the Mount – 3. Fasting in the New Testament – 4. Fasting today.
Khoo, Oon Soo. The twelve [252.23 KHO]
“A compilation of a series of sermons given at Bethesda Hall (Ang Mo Kio)…a detailed study of the life of the twelve apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ. It examines the three important stages of their ministry, namely conversion, call to discipleship and commission as apostles. They were ordinary men with like passion. They were unlikely to succeed by the world’s standard. Notwithstanding that, the Twelve were called and appointed Apostles by the Lord. The reader will see how they were moulded by the Lord and used for His purpose except for Judas Iscariot. The objective of this book is twofold. The first is for the reader to see himself in the Twelve. The second is to look at discipleship and disciplining in the context of the local church.”
Shultz, Timothy. Disciple Making Among Hindus: making authentic relations grow [261.245 SHU]
“Drawing on thirty years’ experience among Hindus, Timothy Shultz writes this book as a testimony of the kingdom of God growing in a non–Christian environment. Describes how Hindu people experience and respond to Jesus Christ. What are the core values and rhythms of their cultural world? What are the patterns of community and discipleship that help them draw closer to Jesus? Through moving personal stories, biblical reflection, and practical wisdom, Shultz introduces us to the centrality of family, the covenantal relationships that make up Hindu social life, and the yearning for authentic spiritual experience. While this book will benefit anyone wanting to make disciples among Hindus, it is far more than a strategy of contextualization or a blueprint for successful evangelism. Read it to discover the beauty of Hindus as Jesus sees them―and the beauty of Jesus through Hindu eyes.”
Qureshi, Nabeel. No God but one: Allah or Jesus? : a former Muslim investigates the evidence for Islam and Christianity [261.27 QUR]
“An in-depth look at the critical differences between Christianity and Islam. Sharing personal stories from converts and followers of both religions, the author addresses controversial topics including jihad, the Crusades, the Trinity, and shari’a law while unveiling fundamental and enduring doctrinal distinctions.”
Fedele, Gene. Heroes of the faith [270 FED]
“An Inspirational and Illustrated account of 2,000 years of Christianity…you will find a generation by generation account of the lives of great and godly men and women who have changed the world for Christ, from the time our great Master walked the earth to the present day, these heroes of our faith were appointed by God and granted supernatural courage and strength to stand up against tyranny and unbelief, and carry the torch of divine truth in splendor and victory. Includes more than 100 illustrations, sketches and prints spanning over 2000 years.”
Qureshi, Nabeel. Answering Jihad: a better way forward [297.72 QUR]
“There is no question that innocents were slaughtered in the name of Allah and in the way of jihad, but do the terrorists’ actions actually reflect the religion of Islam? Setting aside speculations and competing voices, what really is jihad? How are we to understand jihad in relation to our Muslim neighbours and friends? Why is there such a surge of Islamist terrorism in the world today, and how are we to respond? In Answering Jihad, Nabeel Qureshi answers these questions from the perspective of a former Muslim who is deeply concerned for both his Muslim family and his American homeland.”