New Titles in Emmaus Library, Issue 1, Jan 2016

Gooding, David. Key Bible concepts [220.6 GOO]
“Explores and clarifies the central terms of the Christian gospel. Gooding and Lennox provide succinct explanations of the basic vocabulary of Christian thought to unlock the Bible’s meaning and its significance for today.”

Gooding, David. The Bible and ethics [220.817 GOO]
“Why should we tell the truth or value a human life? Why should we not treat others in any way we like? Some say the Bible is the last place to find answers to such questions, but even its critics recognize the magnificence of Jesus’ ethical teaching. To understand the ethics of Jesus we need to understand the values and beliefs on which they are based. Gooding and Lennox take us on a journey through the Bible and give us a concise survey of its leading events and people, ideas, poetry, moral values and ethics to bring into focus the ultimate significance of what Jesus taught about right and wrong.”

Gooding, David. An unshakeable kingdom : the letter to the Hebrew for today [220.87 GOO]
“David Gooding explains the meaning of Hebrews’ warnings and expounds the letter as a whole. He carefully examines the position and temptations of its original readers in the first century. Many were undergoing such severe persecution that they might easily have wondered why, if Jesus really were the Messiah, they had to experience such pain and loss. He expounds its major themes in order to show that its unified message is that hope and enduring faith in Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God, will never be put to shame. As he guides us step by step, he reaches outside the limits of the letter itself in order to explore rich fields of Old Testament history, prophecy, ritual and poetry from which the letter has drawn so many of its insights. This practical and readable exposition elucidates Hebrews’ searching questions about the progress we are making in our own pilgrimage of faith. It is an invaluable help for understanding that both its beauties and its difficulties are intended to strengthen that faith. For, as the letter’s original readers discovered, faith finds its only secure resting place in the true and coming King whose kingdom will stand even when everything else is shaken to pieces.”

Gooding, David. The definition of Christianity [230 GOO]
“Who gets to determine what Christianity means? Is it possible to understand its original message after centuries of tradition and conflicting ideas? Gooding and Lennox throw fresh light on these questions by tracing the Book of Acts’ historical account of the message that proved so effective in the time of Christ’s apostles. Luke’s record of its confrontations with competing philosophical and religious systems reveals Christianity’s own original and lasting definition.”

Wan, Chee Wan. Healing : a pastor’s reflections [231.131 WAN]
“This book examines many of the current views on sin, sickness and physical healing. It deals with important issues such as: Does God heal miraculously today? Is sin always the cause of sickness? Is healing provided for in the atonement? Is it true that if a sufferer has faith, God will heal him or her? If a person is not healed, is it because he or she has no faith? Is it always God’s will to heal everybody? My aim is to honestly deal with the many issues related to these subjects, both in Scripture and in experience, in order to arrive at the truth, at least to my own satisfaction. My approach to this subject is both theological and pastoral…”

Kendall, R.T. Total forgiveness : achieving God’s greatest challenge [234.5 KEN]
“Explains God’s challenging call for “total forgiveness”. Answering this call properly may be the hardest act of our lives. No sin or action is unforgivable. We are called to keep no record of wrongs, to punish those who have hurt us, to show mercy and to avoid any form of bitterness…shows how we can know when we have truly forgiven, and so know the joy and freedom that naturally follows.”

Schuller, Robert A. Leaning into God when life is pushing you away [248.4 SCH]
“In this book the author shows readers how to jump-start an exciting connection with God and stay plugged into His love and presence”.
Contents: Accepting God’s Grace — Reconnecting when disconnected by guilt — Discovering redemption when short-circuited by shame — Finding forgiveness after fits of rebellion — Accepting mercy when weighed down by regrets — Finding freedom when isolated through humiliation — Flexing your Faith Power — Tapping into faith when debilitated by fear — Plugging into renewed confidence when crushed by disappointment — Claiming courage when derailed by anxiety — Finding direction when lost and confused — Exercising blind belief when weakened by trials — Allowing God to Heal your Soul Wound — Finding wholeness through prayer when debilitated by brokenness — Receiving spiritual health through praise when disabled by disease — Rediscovering joy when overcome by grief — Learning to forgive when gripped by bitterness — Seeking restoration when shattered by rejection — Holding On, Hoping in God — In whom do you trust? : getting to know your power source — Turning wishes into reality when dreams are dashed — Living vigilantly to keep from drifting off course — Putting up sails, praying for wind — The grand irony: when holding on is letting go — God’s love is forever love — God’s love burns bright forever — The game’s already won! — Let the truth of God’s love jump-start your heart! — Hide your mind in the safety of God’s love — God’s love will never fail — Living for God, Living with God forever! — Grafted for abundant life — Resisting distractions, refocusing on what truly matters — Discover the power of God’s plan for your life — Living a fruitful life — Power to live forever.”

Verwer, George. More drops : mystery – mercy – missiology [248.4 VER]
The Church of Jesus Crist triumphed over many challenges in the past 2000 years – it is a mystery beyond human comprehension. Dr George Verwer unveils that in God’s mercy He uses diverse kinds of people, missions and ministry agencies to build, strengthen and grow the church, and sometimes, it can be messy. He doesn’t shy away from saying that God has always used such messy situations, as He still does to fulfil some of His good purposes. The powerful message that comes straight from his heart will surely encourage the readers as well as convict them to embrace diversity and learn & rise up from what seems to be utter mess in life.”

Anderson, C. Thomas. Becoming a millionaire God’s way : getting money to you, not from you [248.6 AND]
“… decries the myth that Christians must be poor and gives you the keys to the financial prosperity you desire. Dr. Anderson combines biblical principles with expert financial advice, making this an invaluable resource for current or would-be investors and entrepreneurs, and for anyone who wants to access the prosperity God has in store.”–Back cover.

Serving God’s people : re-thinking Christian ministry today [253 SER]
“Are the prevailing views of the nature of Christian ministry right, or do they need drastic revision? What is to be learned from the Bible about the nature of ministry, and how can this be applied in the twenty-first century? Must Christian ministers be male, full-time and omnicompetent? Do ministers themselves need care? What is the best way of going about the process of finding and appointing full-time Christian ministers?”

Fresh shoots in stony ground : the challenges of church planting [254 FRE]
“Assumes that more church planting is needed if we are adequately to fulfill the commission to go and make disciples of all nations. It aims to give practical advice on how to plant churches successfully, discusses the theological framework within which church planting should be undertaken, gives wise advice on how to translate a fragile embryo into a healthy, ongoing church, tells 10 honest stories of real-life church-plants which illustrate the analysis”.

Hunt, R. Pearls of great value [259 HUN]
1) “He was only 14 when he came across the name “Jesus”. Curious, he googled the word. That began a seven-year journey of discovering for himself, this “Jesus”. He read up, accessed the Internet, and eventually on his own volition became a follower. 2) She was a young mother when her husband walked out on her and several children, with the last one still in her womb. He left because she refused to deny the Lord she followed. The next decade was one of single-minded faith for a single mother How did she cope, let alone survive? 3) She was abducted when she claimed to be a follower of Jesus. She was clueless as to where her “prison” was. It
was a criminal offence but this knowledge did not matter to the abductors. Resigned to her “fate”, she accepted the prospect of indefinite “imprisonment”. Then one day, she was whipped. She made up her mind to escape. But how? When? Then one rainy night…”

Steer, Roger. Radical discipleship [266.0092 STE]
“Radical. Extremist? Terrorist? Christian? These days being radical is associated with violence and intolerance. But what does it mean for a Christian to be a radical disciple of Jesus? To parade around campus in your Christian hoodie? To wear your cross-marked wrist strapping to rugby? To get up before everyone else to read your Bible and pray? Hudson Taylor was a radical disciple. He was unremarkable in many ways and only 21 when he began his ministry but he was committed and passionate about Jesus. He broke social and cultural expectation to remain true to the gospel. Far from being a negative thing, Taylor’s life shows us that being a radical disciple is about relationship-developing, social-working and Kingdo-building. It is about extremes of joy, peace, love and dependence on God despite suffering, poverty or even ridicule. Roger Steele has drawn together a collection of life instances from Taylor’s remarkable life, with each one teaching, by example, the true meaning of radical discipleship.”.


George for real : journeying with George Verwer [266 GEO]
“A documentary capturing the energy, enthusiasm, vision and humanity of one man’s life and mission. Founder and leader of one of the world’s largest missionary movements, Operation Mobilisation (OM), George takes you on his travels, driven by a passion to see people all over the world come to faith. Discover how his hunger for God was sparked in his teenage years and has been growing ever since, how he has known personal failure and times of heart-breaking discouragement, and how God picked him up and is still using him in amazing ways. Journey with George and see how his story inspires, challenges and encourage those who wonder if God can ever use them for His glory.”

God’s not dead [791.43 GOD]
1 DVD (114 mins)

“When an atheist Philosophy professor plans to forego “dusty arguments” in his class, he insists the new students declare that “God is dead.” Unable to do this, Josh is challenged to defend his faith and prove to the class that God’s Not Dead. Against all odds, Josh stands up for his faith and takes on the challenge.”