New Titles in Emmaus Library, Issue 1, Feb 2019

Pollock, Nigel D. The relationships revolution[241.66 POL]

“This book has grown out of the Relationships Revolution project – an ongoing initiative by the Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship (formerly the Inter-Varsity Fellowship) in UK, to provide positive biblical teaching and realistic practical help in the area of sexuality and relationships…What we are aiming for in this book is:

– to go beyond trite and superficial advice
— to transcend romantic ideals and notions
– to have our relationships turned upside down and inside out.
– to discover and learn together and to be the best that we can be.”

Tay-Lim, Maureen. Words of comfort/ Emmanuel Assembly of God [242.4 TAY]

“Through her written poems, readers will be encouraged and strengthened in their faith in God’s love, faithfulness, mercy and grace.”

Lewis, Norm. God’s Word: unique, magnetic, eternal [248.4 LEW]

“To read, meditate and memorize God’ Word is a must for all believers. Obey the Bible as an aid to your witness, offering the world hope through Jesus Christ.” – Dr Jun Vencer, Philippines, International Director WEF.

Loren, John. Transforming the inner man [248.4 LOR]

“…outlines the steps for true, lasting change in your life by reaching to the depths of your heart with the power of the cross and resurrection. Here you will discover:
– Why transformation within each believer is crucial for reaching full maturity in Christ
– Why forgiveness is so important for well-being
– How to break negative habits and eliminate them from your life
– How you can experience peace and spiritual growth despite the sin happening around you.
The ministry to the inner man is not merely a tool to heal a few troubled individuals; it is a vital key to the transformation of the heart of every Christian! This is your road map to spiritual growth and improved emotional health.”

MacArthur, John, Jr. Found: God’s Will [248.4851 MAC]

“You may want to jump and shout when you read the sixth principle for knowing when you have found God’s will. The sixth principle is “Do whatever you want” as long as the first five principles are operating in your life. Read about all six principles to better understand what the psalmist means when he urges, “Delight thyself also in the Lord. And He shall give thee the desires of thine heart” (Psalm 37:4).

Blackaby, Henry. The man God uses [248.842 BLA]

Anyone who has ever been called by the voice of God or touched by His hands is eager to know and understand His will for their life. The Man God Uses is a daily study guide encouraging Christian men to examine personal encounters with the Father, and to follow His will in all areas of life–at home, at work, in church, and in the community. — back cover. Contents: 1. The character of the man God uses – 2. How God shapes a man – 3. God’s refining process – 4. The Godly man’s response to God – 5. Made for times of crisis – 6. Being a kingdom citizen – 7. On mission with God in our world.

Chen, Gillian. Allowing Him into my heart: a testimony by Gillian Chen [248.87 CHE]

“…This little testimonial booklet will show you that the sovereignty of God is the one impregnable rock which the suffering human heart must cling. And to this our dearest Gillian has shown us the way. May you be blessed by Gillian, even now. To God be all glory and honour!” – Elder Andrew Lim/Bethesda Chapel.

Wilkes, C. Gene. Jesus on leadership [253 WIL]

Contents: Down from the head table — Principle 1. Humble your heart — Principle 2. First be a follower — Principle 3. Find greatness in service — Principle 4. Take risks — Principle 5. Take up the towel — Principle 6. Share responsibility and authority — Principle 7. Build a team.

Bates, Gary. Gay marriage: right or wrong, and who decides? [261.8357 BAT]

“Gay marriage is being legalized in Western countries all over the world and has set off a firestorm of debate. Does our traditional view of marriage need to be changed in light of these reforms? What should Christians and even non-believers think about this issue when all of the pertinent facts are set before them? … openly and frankly discusss the facts and helps clear away much of the confusion and misinformation that characterizes this debate.”

Brooks, Cyril H. Grace triumphant: the triumph of God’s grace in the Philippines: an autobiography [266 BRO]

“Two years of combat duty in France in World War I – deliverance in moments of danger. In hospital with pneumonia and pleurisy – the doctor’s verdict, “He won’t live through the night!” Years of missionary service in the Philippines including facing starvation during Japanese occupation and internment camp. Dramatic rescue shortly before planned assassination by the Japanese. Experiences like these have made up a full life, a life full of God’s goodness and grace.”

Verwer, George. Drops from a leaking tap [266 VER]

“…narrates and assesses how, in spite of a mixture of the ups and downs, lives that are committed to Jesus can move forward in his purposes.
– Our choice to walk with the Lord and to serve him will bring us good as well as unpleasant experiences
– God answers prayers, but not all prayers will be answered the way we want them
– Victory is our privilege, but not all seeming defeats can be erased from our history
– Obstacles are sure to come in our lives, yet his all sufficiency will help us overcome them all.

We must press forward with our eyes on the Saviour, Lord Jesus. Let’s embrace the pain and hurt and allow them to make us better people for his glory.” Says Goerge Verwer with many examples from his real life and 52 years of ministry.”

Hearts aflame: living the passion for evangelism [269.2 HEA]

“…the Apostle [Paul] himself knew that he could not keep silent about the Gospel as he exclaimed, “Woe is me if I do not preach the Gospel!” Evangelism is truly the overflow and outflow of our relationship with God. We cannot help it but to share the message of God’s love with our friends and loved ones. Yet, we know too that this is by no means an easy task. We may face objections, rejection, and ridicule from the very people we care about. This book seeks to address different issues relating to evangelism. We are privileged to learn from many pioneers and practitioners. Their insights and experiences, sharpened and honed by their commitment to the Great Commission and their faithful ministry of spreading the Good News, will empower, equip, and enable us to be winsome, authentic and caring witnesses for Jesus.”

Musk, Bill. Touching the soul of Islam [297 MUS]

“…essential differences between Muslim cultures and the Western world views. Investigates a number of key themes, including male and female, family and individual, honour and shame, hospitality and violence. In each case, he draws upon his first-hand knowledge of Islamic culture to show how Muslims view such matters: the book is studded with illuminating stories.”


9Marks Journal: the Church praying (Biblical thinking for building healthy churches)[248.32 NIN]

“Our primary hope for this Journal is that it would encourage churches to pray more together, and offer a few pointers on how. Start with Ryan Fullerton and Megan Hill’s pieces. They should make you want to read the rest!”


Homosexuality – myths & truths / jointly brought to you by Focus on the Family [and] Teach His Word / Learn…To Teach [241.66 HOM]. 1 CD(10 hours)

“Especially for pastors, elders, church leaders, Christian professionals and teachers.”

MacArthur, John. The truth about spiritual growth [248.4 MAC]. 2 CDs

“…sets out a feast of practical, biblical principles to nourish your development, helping you become more firmly planted in your faith and useful for even greater service to your family and your church.”

MacArthur, John, Jr. You can be an effective witness [248.5 YOU]. 1 CD

Verwer, George. Lukewarm no more: for hearers who want to be doers [266 VER]. 3 CDs

“Too often we settle for mediocrity when we really should be on fire for Jesus. In Revelation 3, God promises that He will ‘spit out’ those ‘lukewarm’ churchgoers, but he rewards those who are ‘hot!’ In this special tape series, George Verwer will ignite or re-ignite your passion for Christ as he recalls the early days of Operation Mobilization. With unbridled fervor, he shares anecdotes and war stories from today’s mission field. And he gives a far reaching vision for the next generation of missionaries. In his uninhibited style, George exposes the crisis in the 10/40
widow. He addresses the real truth behind the Mary vs. Martha conflict. (Martha wasn’t all wrong!) And he anchors this weekend missions conference-from opening service to missionary banquet-like no one you’ve ever experienced.”–Cover.

Wow worship [2005]: today’s 30 most powerful worship songs from today’s top artistes [782.254 WOW]. 2 CDs

Wow hits 2005: 31 of the year’s top Christian artists and hits [782.254 WOW]. 2 CDs

MacArthur, John. True happiness [266.2 MAC]. 1 CD

Happiness and God don’t mix–at least that’s what many people think. Yet the Lord Jesus Christ’s greatest concern for mankind is for true, lasting joy. In fact, His first sermon began on the theme of happiness, though what He said may contrast sharply with what you’ve been told about happiness. Takes a practical look at resting in the spiritual resources God provides and knowing the peace that goes beyond our ability to understand–even in tough circumstances.–GTY website.

Power of thanksgiving [782.529 POW]. 1 CD

“Actual Scripture verses combined with contemporary Christan music to help you remember the Word of God.”
Contents: Enter into His gates (Psa 100:4-5) — In everything give thanks (I Thess 5:16-18, Col 3:17 — Thank offerings (Psa 50:23, 14-15) — You are my God (Psa 118:28-29) — It is good to give thanks (Psa 92:1-2, 136:2-3) — O come let us sing (Psa 95:1-3) — In the shadow (Psa 139:9-10; 63:7-8) — Speak to one another (Eph 5:19-20) — Cry out save us (I Chronicles 16:34-35) — I will give (Psalm 7:17).


Apostle Peter and the Last Supper [227.92 APO]. 1 DVD (109 mins)

Relive the time Peter spent with Jesus, from the Great Commission to the life-changing Last Supper and the garden of Gethsemane. Set in Rome, AD 67. Two jailers at the ancient Mamertime prison take custody of a famous criminal. He is Simon Peter of Galilee–apostle, disciple, and personal friend of Jesus, also called The Christ. Condemned to death, the elderly Peter (Robert Loggia) recounts his life as a simple fisherman who became one of the boldest figures in all of Christianity. As Peter prepares to depart this earthly life, he will make an unforgettable impression on his jailers through the saving power of the Gospel.–Container.

The Antichrist and spirit wars / [236 ANT]. 1 DVD (51 mins)

End-Time prophecy and you: three Tomorrow’s World programs revealing vital truth about your future / [248.5 END]. 1 DVD (85 mins)

Juniors Collection

The wonder book: answers to tough questions (Illustrated Bible stories for children) [220.9 WON]

“Who is God? How did the world begin? Why is there so much trouble in the world? How can I go to Heaven someday? God has answers. questions. Illustrated Bible stories, verses and activities give straight answers about the God who loves you.”