Ordinary Men called by God: Abraham, Moses and David
Boice, James Montgomery
“Abraham never expected to be the father of a great nation. Moses never expected to be a great leader of a special people. David never expected to be Israel’s greatest king. But God called these ordinary men of the Old Testament to become extraordinary men of faith and accomplishment. Their examples of courage, faithfulness, and humility give practical lessons in Christian living and service to God. Read and learn the secret of true greatness.”
The fight of faith: studies in the pastoral letters of Paul: I and II Timothy and Titus
[227.83 STE]
Stedman, Ray C.
The apostle, Paul’s “life, intellect, and unconquerable spirit come alive as never before in this insightful look at Paul’s individual letters to Timothy and Titus. Here you will find Paul sharing intimately and personally, yet these letters contain some of the most profound theological insights found in Scripture. In these letters, Paul flings back the curtain of time and space to reveal the unseen realities of God’s eternal plan for the human race. As you explore the truths of these three pastoral letters of Paul, you’ll discover new depths of appreciation for God’s Word – and new encouragement and inspiration for your daily walk with Christ.”